Raspberry PI 4 projects


My first Raspberry PI

I bought my Raspberry PI August 2020 so I have some learning to do. My first thoughts were that the little gadget could do with a case and some heat sinks and a fan for cooling. Happy to answer question and share info. On PI forum as FXV300 and youtube as FrankVella300

Building PI 4 using a GeekPI case for the Raspberry PI 2 PI 3 or P1 4

This is quite a neat little case and seems to provide adequate cooling. Quite easy to put together. It also has slots for all the GPIO and camera cabling.

Temperature output project using a python script using a 74HC595.

The outputs is then sent to two til311 segment displays. The segment displays are located on a breadboard and the data is transferred via a shift register, the 74HC595. The shift register is controlled via gpio output pins from a raspberry pi 4.

This works fine and the temperature is displayed on the LED displays but it is very inefficient having to load the GPIO port with a binary value one at a time, I was hoping to set up a loop to suck in each value from an array but could not find a way of making the GPIO.LOW or GPIO.HIGH value be read from a value for example GIO.(x)[2]. Any ideas welcome.


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