
Showing posts from November, 2020

Raspberry PI 4 project 74HC595 with 8 LEDS

    Raspberry PI 4 project 74HC595 with 8 LEDS I have soldered the 74hc595 to a piece of vero board. I Also soldered the resistors and LEDs. I connect 3 signals to the raspberry pi GPIO signals, DATA (14), shift CLOCK (11) and the data latch (12). The outputs q0-q7 are wired to an LED via a 330𝛀 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓 python script # FXV300 This script reads GPU temp # and writes values to two TIL311 segment displays # PIN 2 LATCH DATA INPUT B 0010 # PIN 3 LATCH DATA INPUT A 0001 # PIN 5 LATCH STROBE INPUT _[ ]_ # PIN 12 LATCH DATA INPUT D 1000 # PIN 13 LATCH DATA INPUT C 0100 import RPi.GPIO as gpio import os import time import datetime # import binascii # this part sets up the GPIO pins as output # The first value is the GPIO pin label,and the comment is the physical pin value gpio.setwarnings(False) gpio.setmode(gpio.BCM) gpio.setup(11, gpio.OUT) # Pin 23 - Serial Data 74HC595 Pin 14 gpio.setup(12, gpio.OUT) # Pin 32 - Data Clock 74HC595 Pin 11 SHCP shift register clock input gpio.setup(